Buying a new air conditioner or furnace? We all dread this purchase! I mean, who has the money laying around to just buy a new heating and air conditioning system? And, if your system happens to be down, you have to make a decision rather quickly to get your home back up and running! Getting an estimate for an air conditioner or a new furnace can seem like a big thing to tackle, but don’t get lost in BTUs and SEER! Follow these easy-to-understand tips to stay on track with your air conditioner estimate.
Prices for a new air conditioning system can vary between $2500 to $9500, depending on brand, efficiency, and application. Read on for tips and suggestions to make sure you get what you want.
Affordability and Payment Options.
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Balance Energy Efficiency.
There is a lot to consider here, so to distill it down, I would recommend looking at your “long-term investment” with your new air conditioner purchase. This means that you have to consider where you will be in 2 to 5 years. If you plan on moving out within a few months, that can dramatically affect what type of furnace and air conditioner you decide to go with. Sometimes higher efficiency air conditioning equipment can lower your utility bills but will end up costing more to install- what’s most important to you?
Enhancements and Upgrades.
In addition to the equipment- furnace and/or air conditioner, it would be wise to consider adding products to the air conditioner estimate that can greatly enhance the comfort of your new purchase. For instance, whole-home humidification systems can allow you to operate your furnace at a lower temperature while maintaining the same level of comfort. “Moist air holds more heat” is the science behind the magic.
Additionally, air filtration systems will greatly reduce the amount of dust build-up inside your home and inside the HVAC equipment which will prolong the life of your system. WiFi thermostats to integrate into your smartphone, ductwork modifications and re-engineering, zoning, and dual thermostats. All of these have a great impact on the comfort, peace of mind, and energy efficiency of your new heating and air conditioning system.
Cost of Ownership
Some manufacturers offer longer warranties than others. Some brands require more maintenance than others. The year-over-year cost of ownership is something that I take into account because it can eat away at any savings you might see with new energy-efficient equipment. Take this into consideration when getting your air conditioner estimate.
Some brands do not have supply houses located in certain parts of the country. Why does this matter? Because the cost of parts can now be a lot higher because of shipping costs. Make sure to ask if the manufacturer has supply houses located within your town and how readily available parts are, should your furnace or air conditioner break down.
Furnace and Air Conditioner?
The age-old question… If you buy a furnace now, you’ll have to buy an air conditioner later. If you decide to hold off, you run the risk of increased installation costs due to inflation and more work needed than normal. I always recommend looking at what your long-term goals are. If you plan on staying in the home for as long as possible, it would be wise to just get it all done and behind you. No need to cry twice. If you plan on moving out in a few short months, this will change the purchasing decisions and you may decide to hold off and offer a contingency with the sale of your home. This allows the new homeowner to buy a new heating system with their needs in mind while having some money available to do so. I always recommend getting both sides of the system done whenever possible. Matched efficiencies, matched warranties, etc. all make it a wise choice to take serious consideration.
Yearly Maintenance.
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” someone once said and how true this is! Just like getting your car maintained and tuned up regularly, it’s also a great investment to have your home heating and air conditioning system inspected, cleaned, and calibrated on a regular and routine basis. After all, with your new system in place, you’ll want to maximize the life of your equipment and get all that you paid for! Access Heating & Air Conditioning has several maintenance packages to choose from designed to fit any budget!
While deciding what to buy and when to buy often seem to be daunting, they aren’t. Simply look at what your long-term goals are and then consider what it will cost to deliver what you want. Some goals may be too expensive to invest in while others may seem like a no-brainer.
Oh, and if you can, start setting money aside for new HVAC equipment; budgeting for this home repair cost can greatly put you ahead of the game when getting an air conditioner estimate!
What else would you like to add? Do you have questions regarding receiving an air conditioner estimate? Ask away in the comments!
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